Triumph TR5T Parts Book USA Models 1973 Part No. 99-0973 Book
Air Filter, Alternator, Auto Advance Unit, Battery Carrier, Brake Switches, Breather Pipes, Camshaft inlet and exhaust, capacitor ignition, Carburettor, Centre Stand, Chains, Chaincase, Clutch, Clutch Control Lever, Coil, Connecting rods, Control Cables, Control Levers, Crankcase, Crankshaft, Cylinder Head, Engine Plates, Exhaust Pipes, Frame, Fenders, Flashers, Footrests, Front forks, Front Wheel, Gas Tank, Gearbox, Handlebars, Horn, Headlamp, Kickstarter, Mudguards, Muffler, Oil Pump, Oil Pipes, Pistons, Prop Stand, Pushrods, Rear Wheel, Rectifier, Reflectors, Rockers, Side Panel, Silencers, Spark Plugs, Speedometer, Suspension Units, Switches, Table of Standard Hardware, Tachometer, Tacho Drive, Tail Lamp, Tappets, Toolkit, Timing gears, Valves, Valve Guides, Wiring Harness, Zener diode. A Original Triumph TR5T parts book.
See Also Link to Triumph Workshop Manual Trophy Trail 500 Adventurer 500 Twin Out of Stock
63 pages 28 cm x 21.5 cm
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